The Artangel Collection

The collection was launched in partnership with Tate in 2011 to enable notable film and video installations to be presented across the UK.

Over 25 moving image works – commissioned by Artangel since 1993 – are available for loan, free of charge, to publicly-funded UK museums and galleries.

To borrow a work from the collection, please contact Persilia Caton.

Video: Launching The Artangel Collection

An interview with Artangel Co-Directors Michael Morris and James Lingwood, Whitworth Art Gallery Driector Maria Balshaw and Curator Mary Griffiths filmed at the Projections exhibition at the Whitworth Art Gallery, The University of Manchester, July 2011. Courtesy of Tate. You can also watch this video on Vimeo or on Tate's YouTube channel.

A savvy shoring-up against the vicissitudes of history on the part of an organization that, despite working in a manner ill suited to a permanent exhibition space, has nonetheless occasioned some lasting works in film and video along the way – Martin Herbert, Artforum, May 2011

Borrowing Works

The collection was launched in 2011 with a simple ambition: to make outstanding moving image works, commissioned and produced by Artangel over the last 25 years, available across the country. With each presentation the works are opened up to fresh interpretation, complementing and expanding the programmes of our partner-galleries’, while being seen by a new audience. 

What you can expect when you borrow a work from The Artangel Collection:

  • Assistance with logistics of the loan and with installation. 
  • Publicity on Artangel’s website and social media channels.
  • Where possible, involvement from the artist.
  • Funding: grants of up to £7,500 are available to UK museums and galleries presenting works from The Artangel Collection. This funding can be put towards the costs of equipment hire and installation, specialist technical advice, artist’s travel, marketing and publicity or other exhibition costs. There are no fixed deadlines for applications.

Screening Requests

Works in The Artangel Collection are available to publicly-funded UK museums and galleries to borrow free of charge. If you would like to host a one-off screening, or would like to borrow one of our works for an international exhibition, these are available for a small fee.

Fill out my online form.

Commissioning Works 

Alongside the launch of the collection in 2011, Artangel began co-commissioning new moving image works with selected museum partners in the UK.

These works include, with the Whitworth Art Gallery, The University of Manchester:

With Ikon Gallery, Birmingham:

  • Yael Bartana, Zamach (Assassination), 2011. The third work in the And Europe Will Be Stunned trilogy
  • Dinh Q. Lê, The Colony, 2016

All these works are now available to borrow from the collection.

Image: Installation view of Yael Bartana, And Europe Will Be Stunned (2007–2011) at Ikon Gallery, Birmingham, 2012. Photograph: Stuart Whipps


If you are interested in presenting a work from The Artangel Collection, please contact:

Persilia Caton
Collection Curator
persilia [at]
+44 (0)20 7713 1400